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Setting Up Development Enviromnent using Docker


  1. Install Docker on your machine
  2. Have your account on - GitLab
  3. Install Git on your machine
  4. Gitlab/Bitbucket credentials for auth.json
  5. For windows users, enable WSL and ensure BIOS level virtualization is enabled.

Folder Structure

  1. Create a root folder uims in the home directory.

  2. Create two folders inside the uims folder:

    - uims
    |- docker/
    |- submodules/
    1. docker - This folder will contain the base repository
    2. submodules - This folder will contain all the submodules that are being used for development

Cloning the Base Repository

Clone the base repository into the docker folder and checkout the docker branch

git clone <repository url> docker

Cloning Submodules repositories

Clone any submodule(s) that you wish to work on.

cd submodules
git clone <repository url>

To avoid errors during cloning use SSH or use the following command for https: git clone -b <branch name> --single-branch <repository url>

Setting up Docker Environment

  1. Go to uims/docker.

  2. Remove the version of the submodule you wish to work on from composer.json file and replace with *. example:

    //change this
    "uims/employee": "dev-new-ux",

    //to this
    "uims/employee": "*",
  3. Add the following to the top of the repositories section in the composer.json file. Replace <module directory name> with the directory name of the submodule you cloned.

    "type": "path",
    "url": "../submodules/<module directory name>"

Starting the Docker Environment

  1. Open terminal/command prompt inside the uims/docker directory.

  2. Run the following command:

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --remove-orphans
  3. Now open the Docker Dashboard.

  4. Go to Containers. You will have a running container named docker. Expand it view all the running services.

  5. Click the actions icon next to the container named php-uims and click Open in terminal

  6. Install the required packages.

    apt update
    apt install git
  7. Finally, install the composer packages.

    php composer.phar update
  8. 🎉Congratulations🎉 Your development environment is all set. Go to http://localhost:8080 to view the application.

Shutting Down Docker

To shut down the environment simply click the stop button in the actions column on the Docker Dashboard.